The trip of 50 Norwegians coming from the association “Bryggen Venner” to visit Genoa and Liguria ended few days ago. Almost all of them had never been to our city before! However Genoa has always been well known due to the important stockfish trade since the times of the Sea Republic. The Cultural Association of Palatifini, involved in the organization of their trip, was very happy to host our friends coming from the “Great North”!

Days in Genoa had been very busy! The traditional tour of the Old Town was really appreciated and the two evenings really gave extraordinary emotions! The first, the gala dinner in Spinola Palace, had the participation of the Councillor for Culture and Tourism Carla Sibilla. The second at the headquarters of GAU (Group of Friends United), social association of neighborhood Struppa, was a nice social and stockfish based dinner with many people from Genoa to share dishes and popular songs about “stocche”. Before the dinner, Norwegian friends participated to a Pesto demonstrantion and ten of them made a passionate Pesto Championship preliminary competition! The winner was Vigdis Kilavik, who will defend Norwegian flag at the next edition of World Championship! In the morning, they followed a “focaccia” course at Iscot.

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