Northern Ireland enthusiastically welcomes the second trip of the Pesto Championship! Thanks to the collaboration with Good Food NI, our Northern Ireland day, this year, saw our participation in a BBC program dedicated to Genoa Pesto World Championship. Then the visit to the Culinary Art, the local cooking school, and then the Londonderry College. Tasting with Brian McDermott, the “No Salt” Chef and finally the competition in the splendid Hall of Guilds in the City of Derry in the presence of the Mayor.

The winner is Lyn Thompson student at the Culinary Art School, Maureen Duers second, and third Lorraine Lawson. In the jury Kevin Hickey of Tamnagh Food, Michele Shirloin and Magne Haugseng for Good Food NI, Gianni Arimondo and Sergio Ambrosetti for the Association Palatifini.

Here all the pictures!